
Software I've written

the less embarrassing bits

  1. relo

    A handy little tool to rerun commands or reload programs when files change. Even after all these years, I like it better than many --watch flags.

    I’m fond of this one.

  2. sel

    A comfortable replacement for cut and awk in simple (which is most) scenarios. It can extract and rearrange delimited fields from each line using slice notation. More generally, it transforms tables.

    It’s a small thing, but pretty flexible and immensely practical.

  3. fling

    Solves the maddening problem of securely sending a file to a coworker who is sitting right beside you. Pick a password, scream it in their face (not required), and you can both run a single command.

    I wrote this one in the days of working every day in an actual office, where we frequently needed to share secrets we didn’t want to paste in Slack.

  4. py

    A quick and easy way to integrate Python expressions into command-line pipelines. Whenever the top answer in StackOverflow calls for awk or sed (and thus probably a frustrating struggle), py comes to the rescue.

    Your pesky string manipulation problem won't even see you coming.

  5. proxy-promise

    A promise you can manually settle from anywhere. I wanted this a thousand times before I actually wrote it, and have been living a better life ever since.

    Well, no, not really. But I still like it better than the newer Promise.withResolvers.

  6. serb

    A zero-configuration, reasonably performant command-line file server, with a few optional flags I needed at some point in my life. I believe I was fed up with Python’s SimpleHTTPServer at the time and needed more.

    Can you believe it’s written in CoffeeScript? Remember CoffeeScript?

  7. bubbles

    A completely useless afternoon project – but so nice to look at! It’s where my artistic minimalism meets my passion for bubbles.

    Heh. I have no such thing, but I still think it’s pretty.

  8. shplot

    A completely unnecessary tool to render histograms in the command-line. I believe I found it useful exactly zero times. Honestly, it’s possible I ran with this idea because I found the name amusing.

    Fortunately, the time wasted was minimal.